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Head of International Sales, Communication and Social Marketing.

Born in Italy, where as a small child he went fishing with his grandfather. 10 years ago he felt a strong attraction to fly fishing. No one knows where this came from, perhaps because of his love, passion and respect for nature. He has learned in rivers in Italy, Spain, Ireland and the beloved Catalan Pallars. Fishing helps him think, it's a philosophy of life. When not fishing or walking in the mountains, he has a keen interest in communication and digital marketing.

Contact details: alessio@theflycenter.com



In charge of Web, Product and Competition Areas.

Tireless fisherman and lover of nature and rivers, has many years’ experience in the fishing business, and knows all the products and techniques in depth.

Holder of the Sports Fishing Monitor title awarded by the Madrid Fishing Federation.

Contact details: chano@theflycenter.com



Responsible for National Sales and Customer Care Service

He learned to fish with his father when he was very small, and liked it straight away. But he didn't really start to become passionate about it until 2004 when a friend introduced him to the fascinating and exciting world of fly fishing. From that day on his life changed to the point where it has become a way of life. He has a very clear objective which is to help bring this wonderful activity nearer to all those people who want to enjoy our love of fishing.

Holder of the Sports Fishing Monitor title awarded by the Madrid Fishing Federation.

Contact Details: daniel@theflycenter.com


STAFF The Fly Center

Staff de Especialistas a tu Servicio para asesorarte y dar solucion a tus necesidades...
Somos Especialistas en Pesca a Mosca.


Jorge S. Fernandez

Staff pesca de Ciprinidos (barbos y Carpas)

Jorge es posiblemente uno de esos primeros "locos" que pescó Ciprínidos a mosca en España, muchos de los buenos pescadores de hoy en día aprendieron de él. Al principio no entendíamos como esas carpas o barbos podían interesarle... Una vez clavas tu primer gran barbo sabes porque hay pescadores como Jorge que consagran su tiempo libre en ir detrás de estas locomotoras.

Los Ciprínidos no tienen secretos para Jorge.


david romanillos

David Romanillos

Staff pesca de Lucio y Bass

David pesca todo lo que se le ponga a tiro de tu caña, pero tiene una especial mano para esos Grandes Lucios y Bass.
El montaje es otra de sus grandes pasiones, siempre está a la última en técnicas de montaje y materiales para sus grandes señuelos de Lucio.

Si quieres saber más sobre nuestro especialista en Pesca de Lucio y Bass visita su blog Romanillos a Mosca

david romanillos

Chano FlyCreek

Staff pesca Trucha y Competición

Chano aunque le gusta pescar todo tipo de especies tiene una especial predilección por los ríos cristalinos, con aguas y truchas bravas. Detrás de las truchas ha recorridos ríos por toda la península... 
Especialista en Seca, tándem, ninfa, pesca al hilo....En sus ratos "libres" compite, el mejor escenario para probar y testar materiales. 



The FlyCenter

Avd. Fuentemar nº 20 - Nave A9
28823 Coslada - MADRID
Tef. 00 34 91 673 96 44

Fly Shop Center SLL

CIF: B-87066981
Direccion Fiscal: Avd. Fuentemar nº 20 - Nave A9
28823 Coslada - MADRID